Listen: FSU Alumna Jenn Sterger Wrote The "No Means No" Joke That Oregon Players Chanted
After the Rose Bowl, a group of Oregon players got some flack for doing a version of Florida State's war chant that included the phrase "no means no," a clear shot at FSU quarterback Jameis Winston. As it turns out, this was taken from a stand-up set that comic Brad Williams performed for the Ducks before the game, and the joke itself was written by famous Florida State alumna and aspiring stand-up comedian Jenn Sterger. TMZ had the original report on the joke's origin, and Sterger confirmed it on comedian Bert Kreischer's podcast, which was released on Tuesday.
Sterger: So I got asked by a buddy, a comic buddy of mine who was doing the shows for the two Rose Bowl teams, to write him some roast jokes for both teams, for Florida State and for Oregon.
Kreischer: Can you say his name?
Sterger: Brad Williams. Brad's like my comedy godfather... He'd asked me to write some roast jokes for him and I said "Yeah, sure, I love being mean." And I wrote a bunch of jokes, they crushed, and I mean, I ripped both teams to shreds, and their respective rivals. I mean, the Gators were destroyed. But the joke that killed the hardest, for Oregon, was Brad said "Hey guys, just have a great time in Hollywood, and remember 'Noooo means noooo!'"
Kreischer: Oh really, and then they take that...
Sterger: So they take that, and they did it after the game! And it goes viral...and I was like "oh s---, what have I done again?" You know what I mean? And no one's going to be able to trace this back to me.
Kreischer: But in your head you were like "I had a hand in this!"
Sterger: Part of me's proud, like "I wrote a really solid...sort of rape joke, but it's more about a PSA." That's the angle that I went with. "It was a PSA." So, I was like "no one's gonna know it's me" but I felt a little validated because you always have to find the bright side when you get curbed stomped in a game like that. So the next day I get a call from Brad and he's like "So, TMZ found out that I said the joke, but don't worry, I gave you full credit for it."
The full podcast is almost two hours long and fairly NSFW, but it is an interesting listen for Florida State fans, and fans of Sterger. The story about this joke begins at the 32-minute mark.